Hybrid blue morph Snow x Ross's Goose (Chen caerulescens X C. rossi), Cibola NWR, La Paz CountyThis apparent hybrid "blue" Snow x Ross's Goose was
found by Joe Anderson and Curt Kessler and photographed by
Joe Anderson on 03 March 2015 Hybrids of these species are rare but increasing as
populations of Snow and Ross's Geese increase and the
breeding range limits of Chen species and subspecies
change. Blue morph geese make up a small percentage of
the population of Snow Geese and are extremely rare in
Ross's Geese, so a hybrid "Blue Goose" is an exceptional
find. Smaller and shorter-billed than the Snow
Goose to the right, this bird shows a bill longer than a
typical Ross's Goose with a slight dark "grin patch" on
the tomium and a curved base to the bill instead of a
vertical bill base that is found on typical Ross's
Geese. This bird also shows more white on the head and
body than typical of "blue" Ross's, which are much less
variable than "blue" Snow. 03 March 2015, photo by Joe Anderson All photos are copyrighted© by photographer |
Submitted on 18 February 2015 |